How much tan is too much tan you ask, well the girl in this photo (taken from pintrest) was doing the the 100 layer challenge and boy that must feel horrible.
Everybody has a different skin type and tone and some people can take a lot of tan and not look funny but some people will look like a road cone if they put too much tan on. If you are applying tan at home and your skin starts to look like your cracking then your putting too much tan on. Body builders and dancers will often have lots of tan applied, this looks great under those bright lights but no so great under normal conditions. The trick to getting it right for your skin is either your tan technician should know or trial and error with at home tanning. Remember a tan is supposed to enhance your looks not change you entirely. Ever had a sticky tan, one where you either have asked or have had too much tan applied and you feel so sticky. Some tanning solutions have no alcohol (which is a good thing). Alcohol dries out the skin so your tan does not feel sticky and DHA the stuff that makes you go brown dries out your skin too, this is why a tan without the alcohol is better, we want to keep the tan hydrated that is why we always say moisturise moisturise moisturise, BUT if you have a double up on your tan, lets say your a bodybuilder or a dancer or just a crazed tanaholic then you might feel a little sticky and if you do did you know you can put a little bit of talc powder or powder puff onto your body to make you not feel sticky.
YOUR welcome Using essential oil perfumes is a great way to smell fantastic, feel great and promote wellness and we have 3 great delicious smells for you. These little handbag goodies are made with sweet almond oil infused with essential oils or fragrant oils for those who are essential oil sensitive.
Our Lemongrass roller perfume smells just like lemons, but it is milder and sweeter. Lemongrass essential oil is used in aromatherapy to relieve muscle pain, externally to kill bacteria, ward off insects, and reduce body aches and a host of other things. It smells delicious it will lift your spirits and energy making you feel great. Our Cherry Sorbet scent is to go hand in hand with our favorite NOODIE Body Oil and our new Butterscotch scent which goes with our Coconut Rough body scrub, so delicious you will want to eat it. These make great gifts for your friends and family and come packed in cute little brown kraft boxes. Check it out here Photo is Heidi Klum dressed up for Halloween last year Article on wrinkles and fake tanning cited from Oh how the media like to make DRAMA, listen Im all for learning new stuff and if it is proven scientifically that DHA is extremely bad or pernicious I would shut BROWNALLYEAR down in a day but all the research I do never gives a clear picture in fact the information that was available in the 1970's is far more researched and tested than it is today. Below is an exert taken from the article and Id like to add my thoughts in red writing How fake tan works
Fake tans work by reacting with your skin's outer layer, which is mainly made up of dead skin cells. It's called the Maillard reaction and causes what's known as oxidative stress: creating compounds that turn skin cells brown and cause the same type of damage as pollution or sunbathing. The concern is around the active ingredient in this reaction: Dihydroxyacetone, or DHA. It's been used as a skin colourant since the 1920s and is derived from sugar cane. It's also what gives fake tan that biscuit smell. Ok, im just saying, if DHA has been around since the 1920's dont you think we would know by now if there was something seriously wrong with fake tanning, Coco Channel would be a wrinkled prune when she died at the ripe old age of 88. READ MORE: • Fake tan fail: Proof you shouldn't take tanning tips from Facebook "We don't know the long term effects," Dr Stefanie Williams, dermatologist and founder of London's Eudelo skin clinic told the Daily Mail. (WHY DONT WE KNOW THE LONG TERM EFFECTS IF WE HAVE BEEN USING DHA SINCE 1920!) I know that eating animals causes cancer but people continue to eat them. So while you may be doing your best to stay out of the sun to avoid not just cancer but the effects of ageing, your fake tan alternative could also be the cause of lines and wrinkles. What about lotions, gels, mousses and creams? Cosmetic scientist Ian Taylor told the Daily Mail "As a cancer-causing agent, there are no issues with DHA applied externally." OK Great maybe the heading should be No issues with DHA The concern is around other ingredients that can be added in the production process which may cause problems. Great we are totally organic Cheaper processes where synthetic raw materials such as solvents are used could lead to accidental contamination. Some products also contain "penetration enhancers", such as ethanol alcohol which is used to help speed up or deepen the tanning process. But Taylor says they can disrupt the skin's barrier by "increasing moisture loss and making skin more vulnerable to pollutants". The result? Dryness, irritation - and wrinkles. Well There are a million things that dry out the skin so why the big scary headline gheeesh.. This blog is all about recycling and by recycling we mean fun. You know those cardboard tubes our products come in? Well we have some ideas for you. Check out our instagram page for our inspo.
OK so I wanted to do a post on makeup because you will be surprised at how many companies still test on animals and I wanted to show you a list of all the companies that you can buy cruelty free makeup from. To be on this list companies have had to fill in a declaration form stating their manufacturing plant and listing the items in their product, this is then investigated and from there they get on the list and WE ARE ON THE LIST.
Check out SAFE's website of cruelty free places to shop or even better download their app CLICK here for the list Want to buy some of our vegan blusher then CLICK HERE Lets talk about PayPal because I LOVE IT. Have you checked it out recently they have seriously upped their game in the online payment transactions. I have always used PayPal because it is recognized around the world as safe so it was the best decision at the time we started out for getting customers to trust shopping with us, but they have seriously up graded and im loving it. If your a business owner its FREE to join so why wouldn't you, Here in NZ if you join DPS or other internet payment programs they charge you monthly and fees , its criminal and PayPal has an invoicing system that creates amazing templates with your details and also lets customer push a button and part pay or in full whether they have a PayPal account or not.
PayPal why wouldn't you Heading to your first school ball
what are all the things you need to do
SUPER-EASY DIY PEEL OFF MASK REMOVES blackheads, dirt, oil and dead skin!
This recipe is extremely effective in tightening the skin, cleaning out the pores and getting rid of blackheads. Do it right and your skin will get better and brighter right after. Yes, RIGHT AFTER. GELATIN FACE MASKWhat you need: – 1 Package of unflavored gelatin – 2 tablespoons almond milk – clean make up brush How to do it: 1. First, wash your face and remove all makeup. 2. Gently pat your skin dry. 3. Mix together one tablespoon of gelatin with two tablespoons of milk until the gelatin has a thick and smooth consistency. 4. Microwave the mixture for around fifteen seconds. Remove from the microwave and start applying to your face immediately. You can do this with a clean make up brush, or with your fingers. Skip the eyebrow and eye area. 5. Let the mixture dry on your face for about fifteen minutes, or until it feels hard. 6. Then grab an edge of the dried mask and start peeling (The blackheads will peel off too!).Your face will be left smooth and clean! as seen on Got the app yet? Check it out you can do all sorts of things from out trusty ol app BOOK ONLINE GAIN LOYALTY POINTS LOOK FOR A SALON NEAR YOU BUY PRODUCT ONLINE CHECK OUT OUR BLOG FOR LATEST STUFF IN THE BEAUTY INDUSTRY its totally worth it especially if your a Tanaholic so I just read this article and Im always asked about tanning if your pregnant and while long term studies have not been done there has been one test done in the 1970's on DHA inhaling it and ingesting it which this person never found. When I started BROWNALLYEAR I researched every day till late at night for around 2 full years before building a website and feeling confident that I was doing the right thing. While the study is against everything in in my body (animal testing) this was done in the 1970's and they used rabbits and mice to inhale and ingest DHA with absolutely no side affects. After death and searching for necrosis (damaged or changed cell tissue) NOTHING was found. So while the American FDA says they dont approve that it is because they haven't done the research and even the scientist isn't sure. SO in conclusion IMHO (in my humble opinion) I feel that following a bus or truck with your window down while pregnant is WAY more harmful than one spray tan, but each of us is different and I always recommend that each pregnant women conduct her own research and come to her OWN conclusion whether having a tan is best for her. BROWNALLYEAR has extensive knowledge on tanning please ask us any questions you might have or click the link below to find what we know. The article below is the one I found today
Off to Samoa to do Business (wink wink) and check out the Island life.
I tanned myself before going in hopes that I would blend in but on the 2nd day of being in Samoa our taxi driver was explaining they have bananas that are called Palagi Bananas meaning white and skinny and hence that name became mine. While everyone was laughing I was quietly going over and over the "skinny" bit because ive never been called 'skinny' but yes to the white bit, in Samoa I am a the skinny white girl hence the Palagi Banana nick name I got and I happy to stick with any name that is attached with the skinny and white bit even thought I tanned myself thoroughly before leaving. Advice to fellow travelers to Samoa, dont even bother with taking tanning products because for one, no one cares and two, you are still going to look white. Have a tan before leaving will help you ease into your bikini. Swimming will be a constant and the intense heat will keep you wet if your not swimming so looking glamorous is just not an option and actually quite liberating. Go Manu Samoa! (The Samoan Rugby team beat NZ while we were there) People often ask me if dark skinned girls get tans too and yes just like makeup that they wear to highlight the skin so does getting a spray tan.
Having a spray tan over your already tanned skin does give it a natural glow and highlights the skin tone making it look photoshopped, so for any darker skinned girls give it a try you just might like it. Built up tan on feet sucks and looks awful. How it got like that is from over tanning and wearing shoes with sweaty feet. Feet dont really need as much tan as the rest but here is a remedy to removing that ugly patchy tan. Make up a batch of Baking Soda and lemon juice paste wipe it onto your feet and exfoliate gently and leave on for five minute then wash off with warm water. Marks on feet are from socks, 1st photo was taken the day before, second was next day when I actually scrubbed. I used Baking soda and lemon juice and left it on for around 5 minutes then scrubbed and rinsed. For extra stubborn stains the White Magic is a nano sponge and can get those extra little stubborn bits off but be WARNED it says on the packet NO NOT put on skin. I have used this on my feet and it was magic but it does leave your skin a little raw so put some coconut oil on after. THIS IS NOT for the body as you will end up with burn marks and I dont even like to endorse this sponge for fear some of you will go for gold but it really does get the stubborn bits off your feet if you are a tana'hoic - so be warned it is NOT for the body.
Moisturising Creme used to be the hydrating buzz but now everyone prefers Body Oils and why? They key thing about Oils is that the actives are present at a much higher concentration as they’re not diluted, so they have a more tangible effect on the skin they generally contain less additives than creams and are absorbed easily. The simple purpose of a Cream is to hydrate and protect the skin, which is also great depending on what you like what your skin condition is and why you are moisturising. Why do we ask you to hydrate your skin after a spray tan? Because creme v Oils
Shocking photos from one news as young mother Tawny Willoughby, 27, took to social media to share her skin cancer selfie and show the world the ugly side of tanning gone wrong.
Her advice to others. "Wear sunscreen and get a spray tan. You only get one skin and you should take care of it. Learn from other people's mistakes. Check the full article out here Did you know that at Christmas time some elderly are extremely lonely?
So this Christmas Ive decided to buy gifts for the residents at Aria Gardens Albany. When you book a tan with us you can have the option to add one dollar to support this. Gifts will be just something small like stationary a crossword book, soap, hankie, hand cream, cookies etc, just something they can open up on Christmas day. If anyone wants to bring in gifts to be wrapped for them this also would be amazing. I will update on Christmas Day with the items purchased and given. BY: ZOE MELNYK
New Zealand recently passed a bill banning animal testing and other types of animal cruelty. Talk of banning animal testing around the world has posed as a controversial debate for decades between two different interpretations of the words “mankind was delegated to have dominion over the animals.” On one hand are cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies who believe that animals should be surrogates for human suffering, and on the other are those who realize that humans have the responsibility to protect the freedom and safety of anything living that cannot speak for itself. According to an article from Humane Society International, there’s an estimated 115 million animals that are used for testing and research purposes globally each year. This includes placing animals under physical pain and distress, with results that may or may not be applicable to people. The regulations on animal testing are also blurry and undefined, so the exact number of animals and the experiments used are oftentimes unknown and undocumented. Read more: Struggling to tan your back at home? Sick of asking your BF, Mom, Sister, Brother, Friend to tan your back, well check out these ideas for making sure you are a 'self tanner'.
1. Get your trusty Velvet Blending Glove a hair brush or shower loafer a rubber band and tie it it tightly at the bottom. 2. Hand towel or glad wrap into a strip then put your tan in the middle and proceed like you are towel drying your back. Glad wrap is a great blender and not waste of product where a towel you may need to add a little more product. 3. In store bought purpose tanning wand, these come in different styles. The Simple Way To Tan Your Back - Reach Those Difficult Bits With Ease! Suitable for use with all creams, lotions, mousses and sprays, our best-selling back applicator has become the accessory of choice for thousands of customers. 1. They last about a week: this varies from person to person but generally a spray tan will last 4-8 days
2. A spray tan won't wash off: Tanning products are meant to fade slowly as your top layer of skin regenerates so you won't be able to simply scrub it off yourself. 3. Apply moisturiser everyday: Keep your skin hydrated daily is the best way to help keep your tan longer and fade evenly. 4. It will get darker as the day goes on: Most spray tans have a bronzer in them so they are instantly brown but as the spray tan develops you will get darker as the day goes on, when you wash your tan will be the perfect colour. 5. Put nail polish on your toes: If your toes are bare then putting any coat of of nail varnish will protect your toes from being stained a brown horrible looking colour, if you already have a manicure with polish don't worry the tan will wipe right off. 6. Exfoliate: Only the day before your tan as this removes any dead skin and by doing it the day before lets your skin return to its natural pH level. 7. Dry skin: If you have very dry skin in patches you can rub moisturiser over these areas at least an hours before arriving for your tan. 8. Sitting on the toilet: After your spray tan when sitting on a toilet you may want to line it with a bit of paper as you will leave a brown mark on the seat, this doesn't effect your tan but makes the toilet look a bit yicky. 9. Wear your birthday suit: If you are getting a tan for a holiday or to wear a bikini then we recommend wearing your birthday suit, the last thing you want to happen with your new tan is put on your bikini and find that you have big white lines showing. 10: Pat dry: To really care for your tan, after each shower just pat dry to help preserve the skin. ![]() Just imagine being born symmetrical, proportionately together with great hair and skin.... Just add a personality and you have a recipe for success, for everyone else there's tanning, makeup, heels, clothes and your good heart, and to be honest if your beautiful on the outside and have an ugly heart, your just ugly all round. Tan up, buy yourself some new shoes get your hair done and go knock em dead xx Brownallyear |
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